Wednesday 4 July 2012

NEW!! Join Heather Angel for an early morning shoot at RGB Kew on Sat 14 September 2013 0730-1100 am – for vistas, trees, macro cameos, plus whatever wildlife we encounter.  Contact:

Monday 14 May 2012

Online Photo Courses with Heather Angel

Online Photo Courses with Heather Angel
Heather is one of many tutors for this newly launched online Photoschool and her courses cover Macro and Nature / Wildlife. After signing up, you will have access to four video lectures over a four-week period, each one illustrated with 40-50 images. Each week there is a practical assignment relating to the topic on which Heather provides feedback.

Link to the Nature and Wildlife Course

Link to Macro course

Here is a direct link to Heather's profile page

Monday 27 February 2012

Invisible Worlds open air free photo exhibition 24/7 until mid April

Invisible Worlds open air free photo exhibition 24/7 until mid April, St Andrews Square Edinburgh Science as Art

Heather's image showing a pair of flowers taken in visible light and ultraviolet light is one of the fascinating photos taken by scientists and artists selected for the Invisible Worlds outdoor exhibition. This is on view until 15 April 2012.